妈咪欲火难解 Moms On Fire 【2016】【动画 / 短片】【瑞典】
妈咪欲火难解 Moms On Fire 【2016】【动画 / 短片】【瑞典】简介:入围今年柏林电影节短片竞赛单元,获最佳短片泰迪熊奖,短片以天真直接的方式描述将为人母时难以启齿的状态。导演一反社会通行的权力准则对母性的联想,视母性的建构为控制女性的变相手段。通过塑造不完美母亲形象,不再受制于禁忌的怀孕身体成为了情欲的暖房。
导演: Joanna Rytel
编剧: Joanna Rytel
类型: 动画 / 短片
制片国家/地区: 瑞典
语言: 瑞典语
上映日期: 2016-02-14(柏林电影节)
片长: 12分钟
IMDb链接: tt5444462

妈咪欲火难解的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
An ordinary neighbourhood in an ordinary town. Two women sit on a sofa and scratch their pregnant bellies. Four days till the due date. The situation is as unbearable as it is unavoidable. It’s simply intolerable. Masturbation isn’t an option, the clitoris can’t even be reached, and the boyfriend is absent, but he’s boring anyway. The only advantage in having another child is that one no longer has to play with the first one. Artist and filmmaker Joanna Rytel uses claymation to candidly address questions and situations that usually go unnoticed.
视频:百度云盘 密码: mmaj (小易甫_德语电影译介 译)