BBC:乔治亚·欧姬芙 独处 Georgia O'Keeffe: By Myself 【2016】【纪录片】【英国】
BBC:乔治亚·欧姬芙 独处 Georgia O'Keeffe: By Myself 【2016】【纪录片】【英国】简介:BBC艺术专题系列'想象'的纪录片. 乔治亚·欧姬芙是美国著名现代派画家. 本片是配合她首次个展100年后,伦敦泰特艺术馆为她举行的特展。1.无论按拍卖价格和艺术成就,她的确是最著名的女画家.问题是她是不是最著名的画家之一 ;2.主要题材随时间而变化. 最著名的当然是 微观花卉,纽约街景,骨骼和西部风景;3.100年前的奇女子. 其绘画居然成了女权主义的一面旗帜......
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
片长: 67mins

imagine... Georgia O'Keeffe: By Myself的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
On the brink of the Depression in 1929, Georgia O'Keeffe - America's first great modernist painter - headed west. In the bright light of the New Mexico desert, she forged an independent life and found the solitude she needed for her truly original art.
The photographs taken of her by her older lover scandalised the public. Her flower forms were seen as a shocking and vibrant display of femininity, her bones and skulls as surreal and disturbing.
Now, 30 years after her death, to coincide with a major Tate Modern show, imagine... tells the story of Georgia O'Keeffe, one of the most inspiring artists ever.
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